Hon'ble Cabinet Minister

Smt. Shalini Pandit, IAS

Dr Biranchi Narayana Barik

E-Goverence Initiative

Citizen E-Services

About DHH, Jajpur

Jajpur Sub Divisional Hospital accredited as District Headquarter Hospital from dt. 22.09.1993. Initially, it was a 65 bedded hospital. This 65 bedded DHH was managed by 15 numbers of doctors. In the year 1998, additional 100 bed sanctioned for the DHH, one 20 bedded Eye hospital started and one post of Dental specialist created.

 Important Guidelines
 Important Numbers

Ambulance Help Line 108

Blood Bank 06728-225177

Janani Ambulance Help Line 102

DHH Help Desk 06728222222

Emergency no 06728295104

 Social Feed

Photo Gallery